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Me at BMH Hannover
Family's ward! Great place to start. There I started my HCA training and worked with some fantastic people. My first boss was Capt Caroline Ellis. Also remebering Capt Sandra Mckenzie, who sent me down the stores for follopian tubing, tartan paint and a long stand! Yes I fell for them all, I am sure someone else was in with it as well.
My bestest buddy Dawn Anderton was my partner in crime, getting in at 6am, starting work at 8am, every weekend without fail. Do not know how I did it, looking back.
Then there was the good old Oasis club, where I did a spot of D J aying. I remeber certain songs that will always remind me of that place:
"Insanity" by Oceanic and "Everything I do" by Bryan Adams. Anyone else remeber?
The great city itself
Hannover is certainly one of the best city's Ive been to. With its sophisticated shops and idylic streets. Spending money was easy in Hannover, too easy infact. The gifts at Xmas were endless, so much to chose from, I was certainly spoiled for choice. Remebering Commerce Bank and Sparkasse Bank, oh the little things remebered.
The beer fests were great, lots of booze and sillyness. Of course there was the Aushstad (Cant remeber how it is spelt) but you know the long street full of bars and the pizza house right at the top. The movenpick for breakfast after a night of boozing.
I also recall Rainbows nightclub, a popular haunt for all us lot and indeed lots and lots of Britsh Army guys, oh and I met a few of them!
Becks, then snapps, then Becks again....Oh dear how did we all survive? Oh yes and there was that little eating place where you could order Pomme frites mit mayo, they were good to soak up all that alcohol. Hee hee
Sue Black, oh she used to make me laugh. We would dance and sing around in her room to "The days of pearly Spencer" by Marc Almond.
Then of course those Trams, I never paid once on them, still do not know how I got away with it and the nerves I had then.
I miss those days and was very sad when BMH Hannover was no more.
"Long live BMH Hannover in our hearts and memories"